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তোফায়েল আহমেদ (২০২৩): Essays on Politics, Governance and Development (1981-2021) Reminiscence and remembrance [Book Information] [PDF Download] |
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তোফায়েল আহমেদ (২০২৩): সংস্কার সংলাপ: সূচনা সূত্র: রাষ্ট্র, নির্বাচন, শাসন-প্রশাসন ও সংবিধান [Book Information] [PDF Download] |
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তোফায়েল আহমেদ (২০২৩): বাংলাদেশে সমবায়ের নতুন সম্ভাবনা: ড. তোফায়েল আহমেদ [Book Information] |
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তোফায়েল আহমেদ: বিকেন্দ্রীকরণ, স্থানীয় শাসন ও পল্লী উন্নয়ন “তিন দশকের নীতিচিন্তা (১৯৯০-২০২২)”: ড. তোফায়েল আহমেদ [Book Information] |
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Tofail Ahmed (2016): Bangladesh: Reform Agenda for Local Governance, Prothoma, Dhaka( ABIGD, Brac University research) [Book Information] |
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Tofail Ahmed, Md. Harun Or Rashid, Kazi Niaz Ahmmed, Farhana Razzaque (2016): Social Accountability Mechanisms: A Study on the Union Parishads in Bangladesh, BIGD Special Publication Series No.02 [Download PDF] |
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Ahmed, T and Pal, B. (2012): Nagarayan O Nagar Sarkar: Bangladesher City Corporation (in Bangla) [Book Information] |
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Ahmed, T (2012): Decentralisation and the Local State: Political Economy of LG in Bangladesh, Agamee Prokashani, Dhaka [Book Information] [Download PDF] |
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Ahmed, T (2011): Britto O Brithantho: Bikendrikaran, Shathania Shasan, Rajniti O Unnayan Bhabna (in Bangla), Agamee Prokashani, Dhaka. [Book Information] |
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Ahmed, T (2010): Comprehensive Village Development and Institutional Restructuring of Comilla Cooperatives (in Bangla), BARD, Comilla [Book Information] |
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Ahmed, T (1993): Decentralisation and the Local State under Peripheral Capitalism: A study on the Political Economy of Local Government in Bangladesh, Academic Publishers Ltd., Dhaka, 400pp [Book Information] |
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Ahmed, T (1993): Background, Principles and Strategies of Comprehensive Village Development Programme: A Theoretical Discussion (in Bangla), BARD, Comilla, 96pp |
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Ahmed, T and Abdul Quader (1993): Local Government at the Crossroads: Some Recommendation for Structural Reorganisation (in Bangla), BARD, Comilla, 70pp |
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Ahmed, T (1987): Decentralisation and People’s Participation in Bangladesh: A Political Perspective, BARD, Comilla, 117pp |
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Ahmed, T and Das, R.C (1994): Participatory Village Development Planning (in Bangla), BARD, Comilla, 48pp |
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Ahmed, T and Others (1994): Democratisation of Family Structure for Solidarity and Development(in Bangla), BARD, Comilla, 38pp, [Book Information] |
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Ahmed, T. (1998): Two Decades of Local Government Reform Thinking in Bangladesh (in Bangla), Bhola, 150pp [Book Information] |
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Ahmed, T. (1998): Comprehensive Village Development: Institutional Restructuring of Comilla Model (in Bangla), BARD, Comilla, 170pp |
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তোফায়েল আহমেদ : বিকেন্দ্রীকরণ ও মাঠ পর্যায়ে জনপ্রশাসন প্রসঙ্গ। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি পত্রিকা, সপ্তদশ খন্ড, দ্বিতীয় সংখ্যা, ডিসেম্বর ১৯৯৯ : পৃষ্ঠা নং ৬২ থেকে ৯৮ পর্যন্ত [Book Information] [Download PDF] |
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তোফায়েল আহমেদ: Participatory Embankment Maintenance and Resettlement of Destitutes: Learning from Self-Sustained Embankment Maintenance Programme at Bhola, বাংলাদেশ পল্লী উন্নয়ন সমীক্ষা (The Bangladesh Rural Development Studies), Volume IX, Number 1, 1999, Page from 1 to 24 [Book Information] [Download PDF] |
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Ahmed, T. (2000): Reform Agenda for Field Administration and Local Government, CDL-Coast, Dhaka |
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Ahmed, T. (1999): Decentralisation, Field Administration and Local Government (in Bangla), CDL-Coast, Dhaka |
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Md Abdul Quddus, Tofail Ahmed and Md Easin Ali (1996): Integrated Community Development Programme for The Chittagong Hill Tracts, BARD, Comilla |
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Md Abdul Quddus, Bijoy Kumar Barua and Tofail Ahmed (eds): Participatory District Planning: A Framework for Action. Published-1995, BARD, Comilla |
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Dr. Tofail Ahmed: National Social Security Strategy and National Pension System: Bangladesh, Manusher Jonno Foundation [Book Information] [Download PDF] |
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ড. তোফায়েল আহমেদ: জাতীয় সামাজিক নিরাপত্তা কৌশল ও সর্বজনীন নাগরিক পেনশন: বাংলাদেশ [Book Information] [Download PDF] |
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ড. তোফায়েল আহমেদ: দারিদ্র বিমোচন ও ক্ষমতায়ন, বাংলা সংস্করণ [Book Information] |
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ড. তোফায়েল আহমেদ: রিবা, সুদ ও আধুনিক ব্যাংকিং [আগামী প্রকাশনী] |
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ড. তোফায়েল আহমেদ: বিশ্ব রাজনীতিতে মুসলিম প্রশ্ন [Book Information] |
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ড. তোফায়েল আহমেদ: নগরায়ণ ও নগর সরকার [বই তথ্য] |
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Dr. Tofail Ahmed: Covid Crisis and Local Government Institutions (LGIs) in Bangladesh [Download PDF] |
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Dr. Tofail Ahmed: Democracy and Decentralization: Way Forward for Successful Corona Combat [Download PDF] |
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Ahmed T. (1994): Mobilisation of Resources for Local Level Planning: Problems and Prospects, Salehuddin Ahmed and S..J. Anwar Jahid (eds) , Local Level Planning in Bangladesh, BARD, Comilla [Download PDF] |
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ড. তোফায়েল আহমেদ: নগরায়ণ ও নগর সরকার: বাংলাদেশের সিটি করপোরেশন [বই তথ্য] |