Employment History

COAST Foundation
October 2021
Director Governance
Manusher Jonno Foundation(MJF)
February 2015
Honorary Fellow
BIGD, BRAC University
March 2015
Head Politics and Governance
BIGD, BRAC University
Institute of Governance and Development(BIGD), BRAC University.
May 2014
Local Governance Adviser
United Nations Development Programme
Advise UNDP Bangladesh on all matters of governance and local governance issues including few projects under implementation on this particular area.
Since April 2009
Local Government Commission, Bangladesh
Under ‘Local Government Ordinance 2008’, a high powered independent Search Committee listed 6 names from the country and sent them for consideration of the His Excellency The President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, The President finally appointed three – one as Chairman and two as Members for three years with the rank and status of state/Deputy Minister for the first permanent LG Commission ever formed in Bangladesh.The commission ceases to exist, as the subsequent government from February 24, 2009 did not ratify the Ordinance. In the mean time, the commission submitted its first and the last report to the President and also performed other functions as per law since November 2008.
November 2008 – February 2009
Consultancy Assignment – 1/2
Governance Advisor
Economic Empowerment for the Poorest-Challenge(EEP) Fund
A DFID Supported Extreme Poverty Programme under Implementation with the Rural Development & Cooperative Division , Government of Bangladesh. The project was renamed in Bangla as Shiree (Ladder) later.
January 2008 – October 2009
Consultancy Assignment – 2/2
ADB Consultant (PPTA)
Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)

For preparing the Third SSWRDSP for 3 man month from March – July, 2008, at LGED (intermittent input with leave from EEP).
March 2008 – July 2008
International Assignment – 1/3
Community Development and Cooperative Expert
Asian Development Bank (ADB)

To assist the government of the Republic of Maldives to set-up cooperative in 15 islands under Tsunami Emergency Assistance Project with the Ministry of Fisheries. Agriculture and Marine Resources. Appointed by Asian Development Bank, Manila.
January 2006 – July 2006
International Assignment – 2/3
Staff Consultant
Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Participated in Mid Term Evaluation Mission of the Jamuna-Meghna River Erosion Mitigation Project as Institutional Expert twice in 2004 and 2006 and produced ‘Aide Memoirs’ with the team and also separate specialized reports for the ADB and the project’s future ‘Institutional Framework’ for BWDB.
